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type WalletServiceInfo {
l1Writers: [GqlL1Writer!]!
serviceWallet: PubKey!
l1Parameters: [GqlL1Parameters!]!
l2Shards: [NetworkName!]!
shards: [GqlL2ShardInfo!]!
broadcasterWalletUrl: String!
utxoParameters: GqlUTXOParams!
genesisState: [GqlL1ShardGenesisState!]!
genesisStateByHash(hash: HashId): [GqlL1ShardGenesisState!]


WalletServiceInfo.l1Writers ● [GqlL1Writer!]! non-null object

L1 networks available for writing and fees for them and public key

WalletServiceInfo.serviceWallet ● PubKey! non-null scalar

Public key to transfer wallet fees

WalletServiceInfo.l1Parameters ● [GqlL1Parameters!]! non-null object

WalletServiceInfo.l2Shards ● [NetworkName!]! non-null enum

WalletServiceInfo.shards ● [GqlL2ShardInfo!]! non-null object

WalletServiceInfo.broadcasterWalletUrl ● String! non-null scalar

WalletServiceInfo.utxoParameters ● GqlUTXOParams! non-null object

WalletServiceInfo.genesisState ● [GqlL1ShardGenesisState!]! non-null object

WalletServiceInfo.genesisStateByHash ● [GqlL1ShardGenesisState!] list object

Returns genesis state if its hash is different from input hash

WalletServiceInfo.genesisStateByHash.hash ● HashId scalar

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