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type GqlSnapshot {
anchor: SnapshotAnchor!
diff(fromAnchor: SnapshotAnchorInput!): GqlSnapshotDiff!
issuer: JSON!
keyFirstPart: JSON!
keySecondPart: JSON!
): GqlClaimInfo
readOps: [GqlCwebReadOp!]!
offset: BigInt!
count: BigInt!
): [GqlClaimInfo!]!
fetchLastClaims(readOps: [GqlCwebReadOp!]!, count: BigInt!): [GqlClaimInfo!]!


GqlSnapshot.anchor ● SnapshotAnchor! non-null object

If snapshot queried as head or on_height, you can get actual value with this query

GqlSnapshot.diff ● GqlSnapshotDiff! non-null object

Returns the changes made after the specified snapshot. The changes include insert, change and revoke operations. This function is most commonly requested when implementing a client cache for claims

GqlSnapshot.diff.fromAnchor ● SnapshotAnchorInput! non-null input

GqlSnapshot.fetchClaim ● GqlClaimInfo object

Returns a claim by a full claim key or None if the claim doesn't exist

GqlSnapshot.fetchClaim.issuer ● JSON! non-null scalar
GqlSnapshot.fetchClaim.keyFirstPart ● JSON! non-null scalar
GqlSnapshot.fetchClaim.keySecondPart ● JSON! non-null scalar

GqlSnapshot.fetchClaims ● [GqlClaimInfo!]! non-null object

Returns a set of claims for the union of conditions. The sort order is not defined

GqlSnapshot.fetchClaims.readOps ● [GqlCwebReadOp!]! non-null input
GqlSnapshot.fetchClaims.offset ● BigInt! non-null scalar
GqlSnapshot.fetchClaims.count ● BigInt! non-null scalar

GqlSnapshot.fetchLastClaims ● [GqlClaimInfo!]! non-null object

Returns N claims sorted by the last update time for the union of conditions.

GqlSnapshot.fetchLastClaims.readOps ● [GqlCwebReadOp!]! non-null input
GqlSnapshot.fetchLastClaims.count ● BigInt! non-null scalar

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