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Aggregated statistical data on a selected blockchain network

type Network {
totalNumberOfBlocks: Int!
totalNumberOfL1Txs: Int!
totalAmountTransactedL1: Float!
totalAmountTransactedL1New: AmountQGL!
totalNumberOfCwebTxs: Int!
totalAmountTransactedCweb(denomination: CwebDenomination! = MINIMAL): Float!
lastBlocks(suggestedAmount: Int! = 10): [Block!]!
issuer: JSON!
firstPartOfKey: JSON!
secondPartOfKey: JSON!
): GqlClaimInfo
issuer: JSON!
firstPartOfKey: JSON!
nextPageAnchor: JSON
maxClaimsToReturn: Int!
datetimeRange: GqlDateTimeRange!
): GqlDbClaimsPage!
issuer: JSON!
firstPartOfKey: JSON!
nextPageAnchor: JSON
datetimeRange: GqlDateTimeRange!
): Int!
issuer: JSON!
firstPartOfKey: JSON!
secondPartOfKey: JSON!
datetimeRange: GqlDateTimeRange!
): GqlDbClaimsPage!


Network.totalNumberOfBlocks ● Int! non-null scalar

Total number of blocks in L1

Network.totalNumberOfL1Txs ● Int! non-null scalar

Total number of L1 transactions

Network.totalAmountTransactedL1 ● Float! non-null scalar

Total amount transacted in L1.

Network.totalAmountTransactedL1New ● AmountQGL! non-null object

Total amount transacted in L1.

Network.totalNumberOfCwebTxs ● Int! non-null scalar

Total number of Coinweb transactions

Network.totalAmountTransactedCweb ● Float! non-null scalar

Total amount transacted in Coinweb.

Network.totalAmountTransactedCweb.denomination ● CwebDenomination! non-null enum

Network.lastBlocks ● [Block!]! non-null object

List of the last 'n' blocks

Network.lastBlocks.suggestedAmount ● Int! non-null scalar

Network.fetchClaim ● GqlClaimInfo object

Network.fetchClaim.issuer ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaim.firstPartOfKey ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaim.secondPartOfKey ● JSON! non-null scalar

Network.fetchClaims ● GqlDbClaimsPage! non-null object

Network.fetchClaims.issuer ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaims.firstPartOfKey ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaims.nextPageAnchor ● JSON scalar
Network.fetchClaims.maxClaimsToReturn ● Int! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaims.datetimeRange ● GqlDateTimeRange! non-null input

Network.countClaims ● Int! non-null scalar

Network.countClaims.issuer ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.countClaims.firstPartOfKey ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.countClaims.nextPageAnchor ● JSON scalar
Network.countClaims.datetimeRange ● GqlDateTimeRange! non-null input

Network.fetchClaimHistory ● GqlDbClaimsPage! non-null object

Network.fetchClaimHistory.issuer ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaimHistory.firstPartOfKey ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaimHistory.secondPartOfKey ● JSON! non-null scalar
Network.fetchClaimHistory.datetimeRange ● GqlDateTimeRange! non-null input

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