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TxLogInfoGql contains log information for Coinweb

union TxLogInfoGql =
| TxLoadedGql
| ContactExecutedGql
| TxLogErrorGql
| LegacyCwebTxLoadedGql
| TxLogEventGql
| GqlClaim

Possible types

TxLogInfoGql.TxLoadedGql object

Raw l2 transaction data

TxLogInfoGql.ContactExecutedGql object

Executed l2 transaction information

TxLogInfoGql.TxLogErrorGql object

Log error

TxLogInfoGql.LegacyCwebTxLoadedGql object

Raw legacy cweb data

TxLogInfoGql.TxLogEventGql object

Log info of system event

TxLogInfoGql.GqlClaim object

GQL representing CwebClaims

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