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FullTxLogGql contains log about l2 transaction execution and log metadata

type FullTxLogGql {
network: NetworkName!
txid: String!
execStep: Int!
blockHeight: Int!
txIssuer: String!
rawContent: [String!]
txLogInfo: [TxLogInfoGql!]

Fields ● NetworkName! non-null enum

Network name

FullTxLogGql.txid ● String! non-null scalar

L2 transaction id

FullTxLogGql.execStep ● Int! non-null scalar

Execution step: A counter that keeps track on how many times the coinweb_evaluate function has being called.

FullTxLogGql.blockHeight ● Int! non-null scalar

Block height

FullTxLogGql.txIssuer ● String! non-null scalar

Transaction claim issuer type

FullTxLogGql.rawContent ● [String!] list scalar

FullTxLogGql.txLogInfo ● [TxLogInfoGql!] list union

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